Showing 51 - 75 of 370 Results
Essays On the Intellectual Powers of Man by Reid, Thomas, Walker, James... ISBN: 9781145410824 List Price: $39.75
The Works of Thomas Reid: Volume 1 by Hamilton, William ISBN: 9781402183249 List Price: $18.95
The Speeches at Full Length of Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines: The Attorney-General [Ambrose Spenc... by Harrison, Van Ness, William... ISBN: 9781146899765 List Price: $18.75
Life Of Martin Luther: With An Estimate Of Luther's Character And Genius by Bunsen, Chevalier, Carlyle,... ISBN: 9781163093054 List Price: $21.56
Memoirs of The Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers by Hanna, William, Thomas Cons... ISBN: 9781140351573 List Price: $45.99
Memoirs of The Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers by Hanna, William, Thomas Cons... ISBN: 9781140351580 List Price: $45.75
The Lives and Trials of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, the Rev. William Jackson, the Defenders, W... by Macnevin, Thomas, MacNevin,... ISBN: 9781147091168 List Price: $45.75
Life of Martin Luther: With an Estimate of Luther's Character and Genius by Bunsen, Chevalier, Carlyle,... ISBN: 9781430498612 List Price: $26.95
My Sixty Years on the Plains, Trapping, Trading, and Indian Fighting by Hamilton, W. T. (William Th... ISBN: 9781110366293 List Price: $21.99
The Papers of Thomas Ruffin, Volume 3 by Graham, William Alexander, ... ISBN: 9781148660523 List Price: $37.75
Living Biographies of American Statesmen : Washington, Franklin, John Adams, Roger Williams,... by Thomas, Henry, Thomas, Dana... ISBN: 9780897608893 List Price: $25.00
Anglo-American Law on the Frontier : Thomas Rodney and His Territorial Cases by Hamilton, William B. ISBN: 9780822300809 List Price: $21.75
The Works of Thomas Reid, D.D.: Now Fully Collected, with Selections from His Unpublished Le... by Stewart, Dugald, Reid, Thom... ISBN: 9781144030955 List Price: $40.75
Great American Book of Biography : Illustrious Americans, Their Lives and Great Achievements... by Mabie, Hamilton W., Garnett... ISBN: 9781169371002 List Price: $53.56
Grounds of Thanksgiving : A Discourse (1832) by Hamilton, William Thomas ISBN: 9781169423879 List Price: $24.76
Works of Thomas Reid, D D; Now Fully Collected, with Selections from His Umpublished Letters by Reid, Thomas, Hamilton, Wil... ISBN: 9781171499633 List Price: $40.75
Papers of Thomas Ruffin by Ruffin, Thomas, Hamilton, J... ISBN: 9781171611486 List Price: $34.75
Papers of Thomas Ruffin by Ruffin, Thomas, Hamilton, J... ISBN: 9781171611509 List Price: $42.75
Memoirs of Major Thomas Merritt, U E L , Cornet in Queen's Rangers under Col John Graves Sim... by Merritt, William Hamilton ISBN: 9781172337699 List Price: $15.75
Papers of Thomas Ruffin by Ruffin, Thomas, Hamilton, J... ISBN: 9781176926523 List Price: $46.75
Papers of Thomas Ruffin by Ruffin, Thomas, Hamilton, J... ISBN: 9781176924970 List Price: $37.75
Vital Question : Must Canada of the future have a navy Reproduced from the Hamilton Spectato... by Sheffield, Thomas William ISBN: 9781177072823 List Price: $14.75
My Sixty Years on the Plains, Trapping Trading, and Indian Fighting by Hamilton, William Thomas ISBN: 9781177381741 List Price: $27.75
Works, Now Fully Collected, with Selections from His Unpublished Letters Pref , Notes and Su... by Reid, Thomas, Hamilton, Wil... ISBN: 9781177587594 List Price: $41.75
Grounds of Thanksgiving : A Discourse (1832) by Hamilton, William Thomas ISBN: 9781166551643 List Price: $12.76
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